If you’re a player with Quakers Hill Junior Soccer Club, or are thinking of joining, we’ve got plenty of information to help you get familiar with how the club works. Use the links below to find out about your duties and responsibilities, our uniform and code of conduct, as well info on training times, games and field locations.
Remember this is a game and we all do it for fun. As with all competitive sports we can all get a bit caught up in the moment but REMEMBER....
- Always Respect your fellow player
- Referee's are essential to a good game experience and we must always treat them correctly. You will never agree with all decisions so keep it to yourself. If we lose referees the game will suffer.
- Younger Ref's: A good thought to keep in mind - When communicating or talking to officials, treat young referee's like they are your son or daughter.
- QHJSC will not tolerate any abuse of any referee.
- When you are playing for Quakers Hill you represent the Club. Never act in any way or manner that would cause the club to be brought into disrepute.
- Children play and referee, please remember this when you enjoy the game. Never shout or abuse in anyway any person but especially children.
- Foul language, swearing, racial taunts, sexual harassment or harassment in general will not be tolerated in any form, whether directed at fellow team members, coaching staff, opposition teams or coaches, match officials or the general public.
- All players should shake hands with the opposition players at the completion of match games. This should be extended to match day officials.
- Good sportsmanship should be displayed at all times regardless of the outcome. All players, coaches and managers are required to participate in formal presentations after all tournaments such as finals. Players, Coaches and Managers should be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
- All players should arrive at the pitch, at least 30 minutes prior to the start of matches. If circumstances prevent this happening, players should contact the coach or manager.
- All players unable to attend matches should give prior notice (at least 48 hours, if possible) to the coach or manager.
Appropriate disciplinary action will be handed out by your coach or manager if you are found to be in breach. Further disciplinary action may be considered required and will be handled by the club’s P&D Committee.
Players are the heart and soul of every Soccer Club, and we want your association with QHJSC to be rewarding for you and your family. To ensure this, please make yourself familiar with your uniform requirements and our code of conduct below.
(For more details on our policies, please see our club constitution below
When playing official matches, all players must wear the following …
A set of Club shirts is given to each team for use every weekend. Players must return the club shirt to their team manager or nominated person after each game.
No team shirts are to be worn home.
All shirts must be tucked into shorts and socks pulled up at the start of each official match.
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn during match games or at training. Jewellery is defined as any object worn by the player ( not part of the soccer kit) that may harm the player or other players participating in the game or training session. The coach/manager will request the offending item be removed or the player not participate in the session.
All players must be suitably attired to participate in training. Correct footwear, socks and shin-pads are required to be worn throughout training sessions. Failure to comply may result in the coach or manager preventing your participation in the session, for safety reasons.
The club Gear Shop has a variety of items that can be purchased throughout the season